Kairos Africa implements a variety of tools and strategies on the field. We want to equip African believers with training and tools (like literacy training, orality, and church planting) that will enable them to make, teach, strengthen, encourage, empower, and serve disciples of Jesus among the nations.
There are currently more than 775 million adults who cannot read, and the vast majority of those people are unreached by the gospel. Up until now, we have largely been focused on meeting people where they are and bringing the love of Jesus to people regardless of whether they can read or not, packaging the gospel in oral Bible stories which can bless and change the hearts of the hearers of the Word, shared in their heart language without requiring any written materials at all. All of that is good and we have seen people meet Jesus and form a relationship with him through these oral strategies… but I do not believe our work is done with a mere introduction to Jesus. In John 8:31 it says, “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples…” These were believers Jesus was talking to – but he was inviting them deeper… into His Word – and it is difficult to abide in His Word if you cannot read it. At Kairos, we have found that people are coming to Jesus through storytelling… but the ones who are being discipled are the ones that can read.
"An oral Bible is the recording of a core set of stories of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation that gives the chronological panorama of God’s word as it unfolds in the most central, essential, and fundamental stories of the Bible. It is not a summary nor is it a paraphrase. Nor is it a children’s Bible. An oral Bible is the word of God. Great pains are taken to maintain the integrity of the Scriptures. Nothing is added or exposited. It is not embellished or expanded upon in any way. It is a selected portion of stories from God’s word which non literate people can understand better than they can understand the abstract portions of Scripture such as Paul's epistles."
-Rick Leatherwood, "The Case and Call for Oral Bibles", 2006.